


Timing When Playing in NT (from

Card Combinations

Counting the Hand as Declarer

Keeping the Danger Hand Off Lead
Avoiding the Danger Hand
This is from Eddie Kanter another 'must read' author

2 Way Finnesse

I played this hand in an instant tournament on BBO 2 days after I saw the video. I was playing with a robot and the bidding was confused!!. We got to the unlikely contract of 6C. Right Click on the link and then download the "pbn" file and load it to your favorite bridge program. You might have to change a few bids to get to 6C. Can you make it for an absolute top or do you get an absolute bottom?

Trump Control

Cross Ruffing

India Leeming from LBO ( a hand.
Lots of good stuff in here. Good clear explanations of many aspects of bidding and declarer play